Ownership and Governance
Holy Family Home is owned and operated by the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate. They appoint a Board of Directors, composed of community-minded citizens. The SSMI constitute the sole members and owners of the Corporation.
Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate Provincial Council
Sr. Christina Syrotynsky, Provincial Superior
Sr. Patricia Lacey – Vice-Provincial and 1st Councillor
Sr. Anne Pidskalny – 2nd Councillor
Sr. Laura Prokop – 3rd Councillor
Sr. Patricia Besko – 4th Councillor
Dr. Mark Karpa – Chair
Mrs. Cathy Lentz – Vice Chair
Mr. Matthew Budyk – Secretary
Mr. Roman Jaworsky – Treasurer
Luba Bereza
Dr. Andrew Bryk
Matthew Budyk
Jolene Hall
Roman Jaworsky
Joyce Kristjansson
Dr. Mark Karpa
Sr. Pat Lacey
Cathy Lentz
Brian Malkowich
Marlene Myketa-Girard
Sr. Darleane Pelechaty
Jean R. Piché
Merv Pichlyk
Marie Rocznik, President, Holy Family Home Auxiliary
Peter Washchyshyn
Sr. Jean Zemliak
Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg – Ex-officio
Sr. Christina Syrotynsky, Provincial Superior
Angela Peeler, Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan Kvist, Chief Financial Officer
Stacey Morgan, Director of Care
Jessica Boittiaux, Coordinator, Corporate & Administrative Services
Dr. Taras Babick, Medical Director
Management Team
Anastasiya Binkevich, Manager, Housekeeping & Laundry Services, Staff Wellness
Vacant, Coordinator, Volunteer Services, & Tenant Liaison position
Ana Cubela, Coordinator, Spiritual Care
Gayle Dyck, Resident Care Manager
Kelly Kingston, Manager, Nutrition & Food Services
Terry Melenchuk, Plant Superintendent
Raj Mongru, Resident Care Manager
Shawna Namaka, HR Generalist
Janice Buors, Coordinator, Recreation & ADP
Janice Waitt, Resident Care Manager
Honorary Members of the Corporation
Dave Chomiak
Don Cilinsky
Dr. Peter Connelly
Nick Diakiw
Walter Dlugosh
Honourable Ted Glowacki
Peter Grant
Joanne Huzel +
Jack Kisil +
Walter Kulyk
Bill Markusa
Myron Musick
Terry Prychitko
Vera Chernecki +
Honourable Ben Hewak +
Fred James +
Vladimir H. Koman +
Jerry Kruk +
George Prost +
Mark G Smerchanski +
Honourable John R. Solomon +
Peter Swerhone +
Ron White +